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The Syllabus tool can be configured to display your uploaded syllabus file. Optionally, you can also display a Course Summary, which lists course activities by date.

  1. Navigate to the Syllabus tool and open the Insert menu below the Syllabus Description heading.
    Syllabus description insert menu with document upload selected.
  2. Select Document and Upload Document.
  3. Locate the syllabus file on your computer and upload it. This creates a hyperlink.
  4. Select the hyperlink and then Link Options.
    Syllabus link options selected.
  5. In the Link Options panel, rename the hyperlink if desired.
  6. Select Preview inline and Expand preview by Default.
  7. At the bottom of the Link Options panel, select Done.
  8. Optional: below the description field you may select Show Course Summary.
    If selected, a Course Summary is automatically generated based on assignments and calendar events. Summary Items can only be changed by editing or deleting the assignments or events. All assignments (unpublished and published) are visible to instructors in the Summary, but students don’t see unpublished assignments.
  9. Select Update Syllabus. Your document will now automatically preview, and can also be downloaded by selecting the Download icon.

This article was last updated on Jun 5, 2024 @ 1:59 pm.