The Student View button is not active in the Canvas Grades area. To see your gradebook as a student does, you need to select a student’s name from the Grades roster. A good way to see if grades display as expected is with the Test Student account. This is the last entry in your Grades roster. In that row, enter the maximum point value for each graded activity. Then select Test Student and Grades to see a student view of your current grade visibility and display settings. For more details on the student grades page, see How do I view a student’s Grades page in a course from the Gradebook?
Note: checking your students’ Grades page part-way through the term is also a good way to get an overview of their course progress.
Open your course and select Grades.
Select a student's name or scroll to the bottom of the roster and select Test Student. This opens a new partial window on the right of your browser.
Select the Grades button. This opens a pop-up window with a list of graded activities and grades displayed as per your settings. If these are not displaying correctly, check the tutorial on how to Set up your gradebook. Note: the student view, by default, has "Calculate based only on graded assignments" selected. This means that, unless you set your gradebook to treat missed assignments as zero, student may see an inaccurate total. See Set up your gradebook for instructions.
This article was last updated on Jun 5, 2024 @ 1:57 pm.