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You can use Canvas modules to set conditions on how and when students move through coursework. For example, you can lock upcoming modules until a specific date and time.

Additional conditions you can use include releasing a module only:

  • After another module has been opened and completed
  • After students view a file and mark it as done
  • After students participate in a specific discussion
  • After students submit an assignment or quiz
  • Once students achieve a minimum score on an assignment or quiz.

The process for releasing modules conditionally has two parts. The first step is to create a module containing the required activity/content that students must complete. The second step is to create a subsequent module with prerequisite settings. This module remains locked until the requirement module tasks are complete.

Step One: Create a module for required work and select requirements

Depending on the type of coursework, you can require students to:
  • View the item
  • Mark as done
  • Contribute to the page
  • Submit the assignment
  • Score at least…
Step-by-step instructions on setting module requirements are here: How do I add requirements to a module? Students will see module item requirements in the details area below each item name.
Module items list with requirements listed beneath.

Step Two: Create a subsequent module with prerequisite settings

Once required work is defined and inside a module, you can use it as a prerequisite for a subsequent module. Note that this is just a prerequisite module selection: details on what students must have completed in that module are defined in the requirements. Step-by-step instructions are here: How do I add prerequisites to a module? Students can see the prerequisite module in the heading area.
Module header showing that it has a prerequisite.

This article was last updated on Jun 5, 2024 @ 1:58 pm.