Cross-list in Canvas to combine multiple Sections into one Course Shell

Back to [Category] Tutorials What is cross-listing? Cross-listing is where multiple CRN sections of the same course are combined into one course…

Setting Pronouns in Canvas

Back to Canvas TutorialsAll members of the PSU community may provide or update their preferred pronouns for use in the classroom or academic…

Teaching with Non-Supported Platforms

As stewards of PSU’s digital learning environment, the Office of Academic Innovation (OAI) is always exploring new teaching and learning platforms,…

Use the Canvas-Google integration

Back to Canvas TutorialsThe Canvas-Google integration (LTI 1.3) allows users to login to Google from Canvas. Instructors can create Google…

Waitlisted students in Canvas

Back to Canvas TutorialsStudents who register for a course waitlist are now admitted to Canvas courses as Observers during the add/drop period. This…

Add a PSU Canvas user to a concluded course

Back to Canvas TutorialsIf a course is set to a past term the +People button will be greyed out. To make it active, you change the dates of the…

Create a Google Assignment

Back to Canvas TutorialsWith the Google Assignment external tool, students can either create a Google file (Doc, Sheet, or Presentation) to submit,…

See a student view of Grades

Back to Canvas TutorialsThe Student View button is not active in the Canvas Grades area. To see your gradebook as a student does, you need to select…

Set up your gradebook

Back to Canvas TutorialsPreparing your gradebook in Canvas prior to the start of term will help you avoid last-minute changes. Five setting areas to…

Canvas media recorder troubleshooting

Back to Canvas TutorialsWhen attempting to record media using the Rich Content Editor, you may encounter problems with your browser or operating…