Depending on whether you need a hosting site for your media or a storage site to archive and/or backup your file, you might use MediaSpace and or Google Drive.
Host with MediaSpace
We recommend uploading your videos to a media hosting platform. MediaSpace ( is the media hosting platform PSU contracts with. See step-by-step instructions for uploading media to MediaSpace.
A media hosting platform stores your video on a server, which provides a url where the video can be accessed, that you can share with your audience. Learn more about sharing your media.
The hosting platform transcodes your full size video into many ‘flavors’ of different resolutions and sizes. When a user accesses your video, the hosting platform will automatically provide them with the best ‘flavor’ for optimal quality, based on the device they are using and their internet connection. For example, a user on a smartphone does not need to see the full resolution for an optimal experience on that device, so the hosting platform will serve them a smaller resolution size, which will load more quickly, ensuring playback is not interrupted.
You can control sharing settings. In MediaSpace these are called publication settings. Learn more about publication settings.
Archive and Backup with Google Drive
If you think you will want to use your video in the future in a different way or you would like to create a backup of your file, you should also consider creating a backup of your video file. We recommend uploading your video to your PSU Google Drive, which provides unlimited file storage on the cloud.
Create a folder specifically for your course or project.
For example, if you developed your media during the Winter 2020 term make a folder in Google Drive following this pattern: DEP ### Term Year. For example: (PSY 311 Winter 2020).If you have other documents you are backing up in this location, you might decide to make a sub folder called ‘Multimedia.’
Upload media files from your computer or device to the Google Drive folder.
The best practice is to use clear naming conventions for your video file name that will help you identify what it is without having to watch it. For example: PSY-311-W2020-Module1-CourseAssignments (DEP-###-TYYYY-OrgUnit-DescriptiveName).
This article was last updated on Feb 25, 2025 @ 1:14 pm.