Hangouts Chat is a group communication tool from Google. With it, you can create virtual rooms to chat with groups of people. Hangouts Chat facilitates quick back and forth conversation, similar to text messaging, but also preserves a searchable record of that conversation for later reference. Instructors might use Hangouts Chat to facilitate Q & A, discussions, or group communications. Hangouts Chat seamlessly integrates with Google Docs, and instructors who assign group writing projects or conduct writing coaching may find Hangouts Chat a particularly useful way to facilitate communications. Access Hangouts Chat at

You can organize two types of conversation in Hangouts Chat: Rooms and Direct Messages.

  1. Rooms are conversational spaces, to which you can add students or other PSU users to at any time. Participants can chat and share files with everyone in the Room. You might set a room for your entire course to communicate, as well as additional Rooms for students working on group projects.
  2. Direct Messages are better suited for private conversations with individuals or groups. Unlike in groups, once you have started a Direct Message conversation, you cannot add new participants.

View Google’s Hangouts Chat Help.

This article was last updated on Feb 25, 2025 @ 1:24 pm.