OAI+ is the self-service resource website of Portland State University’s faculty support unit, the Office of Academic Innovation (OAI).
This site ensures PSU faculty and departments receive consistent guidance and support from OAI and allows our office to collaboratively champion research-based and student-centered approaches to teaching at PSU.
OAI+ is managed by an editorial committee with contributors from the OAI team in instructional design, assessment and universal design, academic technology, and communications. The editorial committee collaborates with subject matter experts to develop content that highlights research-based and student-centered best practices in the field. Content development follows from faculty needs and is driven by OAI to ensure innovative and responsive leadership in teaching and learning at PSU.
Our Process
OAI+ content is authored collaboratively, and contributions are edited for consistency and alignment with our guiding principles and OAI values. The site and all content are licensed CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 to further collaborative opportunities.
We use several process-specific rubrics to strengthen our equity focus and ensure vision alignment.

We approach our work with a goal of supporting and increasing equity in all aspects – from content creation to site design to project management.
Accessibility and User Experience
We conduct regular accessibility audits of our site, meeting AA WCAG guidelines and prioritizing cognitively accessible and neurodiversity-affirming design. Additionally, we regularly hold interviews, conduct surveys, and employ other user engagement activities to better understand how to ensure the site best serves our audience.
PSU and Portland Voices
As a university site, we champion the voices of Portland State University faculty and staff and collaboratively develop resources to meet our unique community’s needs.
Student-Centered Practice
Our overall approach to teaching and supporting faculty starts with listening to PSU students and keeping their strengths and needs in focus throughout the content.
OAI+ editors co-create resources with community collaborators to provide consistent voice and recommendations. Collaborators are provided templates and editorial guidelines, and all content is copy edited prior to web publication.

Get involved!
If you would like to partner with OAI+ or provide feedback on content, we welcome hearing from you! Please fill out the form below, and we will be in touch.