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There are two main ways to add captions to your MediaSpace videos: request service-generated captions, or generate machine captions. Learn more about these options below.

You can request service-generated captioning for any Kaltura MediaSpace video you plan to use for teaching. We particularly recommend captioning any video you’ll use more than once. You don’t have to have an DRC-accommodated student in your class to request this. Because of our service billing process, you need to submit a separate request for each video.

To make a request:

  1. Log into Kaltura MediaSpace at
  2. To the right of the Portland State logo there is a Help dropdown menu. Click this to open it.
  3. Select Request Captioning.

Generate Machine Captions

Machine captions are also available through MediaSpace. Machine captions do not meet ADA accessibility requirements, but are a great way to generate captions for course media that will only be used once, or as a starting place when you don’t have time to wait for service-generated captions to be created. If you have a student with documented accommodations, please work with the DRC to ensure your media and course materials are fully accessible.

Creating Machine Captions is a 2 step process. Note: service-generated captions do not need to be enabled, that step will be done for you.

  1. Generate Machine Captions
  2. Enable Machine Captions

Machine caption files are typically generated within 30 minutes of the request. Once the files have been generated, you must manually enable them on your media.

  1. Login to MediaSpace at
  2. Click the desired media from your My Media list.
  3. Click Actions.
  4. Select Captions Requests from the dropdown menu.
    Actions drop down menu. Edit, publish, add to playlist, analytics, captions requests, launch editor, delete. Captions requests highlighted.
  5. Complete the captions order request. The default selections are:
    Service: Machine
    Source Media Language: English (You may change the language selection if needed.)
    Feature: Captions
  6. Click Submit to request machine captions.

Enable Machine Captions

  1. Click the desired media from your My Media list.
  2. Click Actions.
  3. Select Edit from the dropdown menu.
  4. Click the Captions tab below the media.
  5. To edit them, select Edit Captions or the pencil icon in the Actions column.
  6. To display them, click the icon on the far right to Show Captions on Player. This can be toggled off if you want to stop displaying them.
  7. Your media will now display machine captions.

This article was last updated on May 3, 2024 @ 2:54 pm.